
⌞Yakuza ∶ Bodyguard ∶ Hitman⌝

A successful murder is like a successful restaurant: ninety percent of it is about location, location, location.


The Basics

 Name(s): Takahashi Daisho, Taka
 Age: 39
 Height: 7"
 Build: Lithe, Fit
 Nationality: Hingan
 Languages: Common, Hingan, Ishgardian
 Gender: Cis Male
 Sexuality: Bisexual, Male Lean
 Relationship: Single, Not Looking
 Profession: Yakuza/Bodyguard
 Likes: Coffee, Quality Tobacco
 Dislikes: Braggarts, Senseless Crime

At a Glance

An ilm or two taller than most Raen with a slim runner's build, his shoulder-length hair hangs in sleek curtains around his face. His stance carries with it the professional stiffness of an accountant or a well-to-do banker- an effect only perpetuated by the price tag of his tailored clothes.

A chronic people watcher, his eyes tend to drift ponderously from person to person, his attention ebbing and flowing. Only on occasion does something draw more than a breath's worth of attention and even then, it isn't long before his apparent idle curiosity starts to wander off again.

Taka gives off no more flare or pizazz than any other everyman and, if it weren't for the dark cerulean of his complexion, he'd slip easily into the backdrop of everyone's story. Taka's presence in any giving scenario is unobtrusive- nothing more than a silhouette, an afterthought in the bustle of one's day-to-day life.

His voice is just as unassuming as the rest of him, it's only notable quality being a gentle urgency that might lead one to suspect he's late to a meeting. Despite this terseness, every word carries with it the air of polite professionalism.

The Story so Far

Let's keep this brief.

Taka is the product of too much sake- an accident created in the heat of the moment and a responsibility thrust onto two people who were neither ready for, nor wanted him. This isn't to say Taka grew up in a loveless household. His aunt and uncle, unable to conceive on their own, were over the moon to take Taka in and raise him as their own.

And so began a relatively normal upbringing, his family towing the poverty but still finding ways to make ends meet. Taka took up odd jobs himself in his early years, eager to pitch in where he could. This early ambition led him straight into the arms of the Hebigumi, Taka's first experience with organized crime. With his new employers quick to line his pockets with wealth previously unheard of, Taka began to perfect his craft. Starting as a drug runner in his youth, he steadily worked his way through the ranks until he became a silent enforcer, entrusted by the Hebigumi to handle their wetwork.

But all good things must come to an end. Hebigumi's head vanished, leaving behind a power vacuum that tore the burgeoning Yakuza group to shreds. In this aftermath, Taka was offered up a gig at another group, the Yoasobi-kai, as a bodyguard for a teenage Katsurou Iriq, a position he's maintained for the last decade.

There's more to it. There always is. But you'll have to get to know him.


‌ Perception: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚪⚫‌ Wits: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫
‌ Strength: ‌⚪⚪⚫⚫⚫‌ Dexterity: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫
‌ Athletics: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫‌ Melee: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚪⚫
‌ Animal Handling: ‌⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫‌ Intimidation: ‌⚪⚪⚫⚫⚫
‌ Stealth: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪‌ Sleight of Hand: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫
‌ Investigation: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚪⚫‌ Etiquette: ‌⚪⚪⚫⚫⚫
‌ Empathy: ‌⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫‌ Manipulation: ‌⚪⚫⚫⚫⚫


Debt Collector

Did you happen to take out a loan? Haven't paid it back yet? Don't worry- with a little percussive encouragement, Taka is more than happy to help you realize the errors of your ways.Don't take it personally- it's just business.

Information Broker

In Taka's line of work he's hardly without need of information and, likewise, is a wellfont of it himself.Maybe you're a local that can help him get a bead on a target, or maybe you're in need of someone 'in the know' for the more unsavory parts of society.

Got a Second?

For better or for worse, Taka's intentionally reticent demeanor makes him a great target for those in need of a quick hand.Taka is unlikely to decline if you've a few mundane tasks that need doing. Afterall, a good public image is good for business.

Bad for Business

Taka is a staunch support of Yoasobi-kai's social license to operate- a concept that any business operating in the shadows should take care of civilians neglected by those in power. The support of the lower echelons is a shield, protecting the business from politicians and the law alike.Because of this belief, Taka is likely to interfere with the wanton violence or otherwise unprofessional behavior of other crime groups. Maybe he stepped in when your loan shark made a scene trying to collect. Or maybe a few thugs needed to be taught how to properly conduct themselves.

Familiar Face

Whatever Taka may be, a public nuisance isn't one of them. Taka and his family are relatively well known in a handful of small communities in Kugane- most notably around the docks where his oyaji worked. The Daisho's are known as good people from humble stock.For those who call Kugane their home, you might've just seen him out and about, running errands or getting coffee. Taka might be a familiar face or an old acquaintance you've not checked in on in a while.


The Writer

✘ 35+ IRL
✘ Male - he/him
✘ Gay
✘ LGBT+ friendly (OOC & IC)
✘ Not looking for random ERP
✘ Happy with most themes- from dark/mature to slice of life


✘ Fine with lore bending
✘ In-game RP oriented
✘ Willing to Discord RP once I learn the vibe
✘ Prefer long term but short term is fine
✘ Happy to DM scenarios/NPCs for the sake of story
✘Communication is key. Ask if there are topics you want to explore

As with most people, I'm very big on keeping IC/OOC separate. RP for me is about the creation of shared stories with other people- not an extension of my real life. This character is a work of fiction and his actions and thoughts are not a reflection of who I am in real life. If your goal is some sort of OOC relationship, you won't find it here as I'm an incorrigible simp for my husband.Discord available on request- though I typically hang onto it until we've talked once or twice. As mentioned above- I'm always happy to DM stories, be they preplanned or freeform. I'll match your energy given and we can hash out details as we go along.Please, 21+ only. I have no interest in interacting with minors.Carrd is an early WIP written in a coffee-powered state of sleep deprivation- please excuse the egregious lack of proofreading.


This is my test page, where CSS goes to die. I don't know how or why you got here.Rubber baby buggy bumpers.